Hi, my name is Rosalyn Goh

and I'm

living in California.


Google Homepage

Recreation of Google homepage


View Project
google homepage

Android Logo

Android logo with moving arms


View Project
android logo

Etch a Sketch

Working etch a sketch

Uses: HTML, CSS, JQuery

View Project
etch a sketch

Florence Nightingale Tribute

Florence Nightingale Tribute Page

Uses: HTML, Bootstrap

View Project
florence nightingale

Mahatma Gandhi Quote Generator

Random generator for Mahatma Gandhi quotes

Uses: HTML, CSS, JQuery

View Project
mahatma gandhi quote generator

Random Quote Generator

Playing with background gradients

Uses: HTML, CSS, JQuery

View Project
random quote generator

About me

I'm a self-taught tech enthusiast from California. I'm currently working through online computer science curriculum available through Coursera and other resources. I've dabbled in Javascript, Ruby on Rails, Selenium automation testing using Ruby, and Java using the Fitnesse test framework.

Most of my experience has been as a Quality Assurance engineer at various startups but I am now looking to move into more technically oriented roles on my path to becoming a developer.

I love picking up new technologies and I have a soft spot for open source development.

I'm a hard worker, committed, and a self learner. I'm not a guru jedi rockstar ninja but I work to get my stuff done.

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